Highway Walkers Film Festival in Alaska

This summer at the Lewis & Clark Exploratory Center, to teach underwater filming, we had children find floatable objects on our little island in the Rivanna, and we’d film the selection as they passed over the camera. They could be natural objects or human-made, and unexpectedly they were a reflection of the amount of trash washed up or left behind on the river. (Think bait boxes, beer cans, plastic bags…) We ended up editing a film with the footage, and it’s been accepted by the Highway Walkers Film Festival at the Denali Education Center (Denali National Park) in Alaska. This is how the film festival describes their mission: “We are partnering with the Denali Education Center to bring you short films that focus on sustainability, adventure, nature, recycling, and national parks.” Wonderful themes for the Lewis & Clark Exploratory Center! The screening will be this coming weekend, and the film is called “In the River’s Flow II.” (“In the River’s Flow I” is a silent, longer film. This one has the wonderful soundtrack of Morgan McLeod.)